Referee Assignment
Ref Centre is a referee assignment and scheduling system that allows leagues to reliably
and easily assign referees via the internet.
Download a product brochure here and referee FAQs here
How Ref Centre works The Ref Centre website has two modes: one for referees and the other for administrators.
Referees use their account to indicate field
preferences and their availability for each day.
When a game is offered, the referee is automatically
notified by email and he must then accept or decline
the invitation from within Ref Centre.
The administrator can view the weekly schedule
and from here he can perform the game assignments
from the pool of available referees.
The process is summarized in these screen shots
from Ref Centre.
Flexible assignment options
Administrators have six methods for assigning game officials in Ref Centre ranging from
a simple manual method where the assignor hand picks an individual to a full auto pilot
automation tool that assigns referees to all the games for you.
Administrators can choose the appropriate method depending on the situation for that
particular game.
The six methods are explained in more detail in these screen shots